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Creating a Balance between Humility and Confidence

Robert "Bo" Parfet

· Humility
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A Denver-based impact investor, Robert "Bo" Parfet has achieved success as the founder of the Denali Venture Philanthropy, LLC. Robert "Bo" Parfet credits most of his success as a Colorado entrepreneur to leadership skills that include having humility and confidence.

Business leaders who possess both humility and confidence can be quite effective. While these characteristics seem to be opposites, when combined, they allow leaders to see an issue from both sides.

A leader who is too humble may be viewed as weak or incompetent. On the other hand, a humble person is more likely to own his or her mistakes, look for blind spots, and develop problem-solving skills.

A leader who is too confident may be perceived as arrogant or as a person who thinks he or she knows everything. On the other hand, self-confidence can promote motivation and resilience in others.

Combining humility and confidence begins with honing emotional intelligence. Understanding your emotions can go far in facilitating productivity and rein in an out-of-control ego.

Another way to facilitate both humility and confidence is to develop a growth mindset. Growth-minded people are always looking for ways to improve and gain new skills.